A famous author once said: βReal change is difficult at the beginning, but gorgeous at the end. Change begins the moment you get the courage and step outside your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.β The second sentence is what intrigued me the most about this quote. I know that… Continue reading Business 101: Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone
Author: Jameka Anderson
Jameka D. Anderson, MBA Founder & CEO, Anderson Advisory Services
Jameka D. Anderson is the sole owner of Anderson Advisory Services. She has a background in Accounting, Business Administration, and Contractual Writing -together these 3 skills assist her with the knowledge needed to formulate traditional business plans for her clients. Jameka's portfolio demonstrates her ability to take a simple idea and expound on it with pertinent information to give her clients an organized outline on how to proceed with business operations. Also, Jameka is able to develop figures within financial statements that deem prospective business ventures to be lucrative for an investors interest. Her services are new, but she is committed to the vision God gave her to assist others in writing out their vision to make an impact on the world.