I thought I'd share some affirmations with you from my devotional 31 Days of Affirmation for Teenage Girls & Young Adult Women. We all have a list of things to accomplish by whatever our deadline is. Getting to that deadline is hardly ever easy. It's a journey filled with many obstacles and one major obstacle… Continue reading How to experience life at your own pace
Author: theanointedwriter
The closer your relationship with God the better
How close is too close? Is it possible to get too close to God? I've been conversing with various individuals over the course of the week. Among the lot, the common theme in conversation is the fear of getting too close to God. Hearing that may sound strange for someone who is invested in their… Continue reading The closer your relationship with God the better
What does it mean to be BOLD for God
To be bold is to be willing, confident, and courageous. It's being willing to stand in the face of adversity, confident in criticism, and courageous enough to face fears. Boldness is a quality many admire in others especially when it pertains to openly sharing what should be shameful testimonies. But, what if I told you… Continue reading What does it mean to be BOLD for God
Choosing God will never be easy
We like to believe that serving God is light, airy and a walk in the park. Many present Christianity as fluff, angels, bright blue skies with little to no hardships in sight. Very few present the gut-wrenching realities of Christianity and as a result, it is viewed as easy. So easy a caveman could do… Continue reading Choosing God will never be easy
A Reminder to Trust in the Lord
Today's devotional is not in its traditional format but serves as a reminder to the body of Christ. When you are saved you accept Christ as saviour and take on His identity. You pursue Christ and aim to be Christ-like in character. It is a selfless and sacrificial journey that takes dedication and heart. Many… Continue reading A Reminder to Trust in the Lord