A famous author once said: “Real change is difficult at the beginning, but gorgeous at the end. Change begins the moment you get the courage and step outside your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” The second sentence is what intrigued me the most about this quote. I know that… Continue reading Business 101: Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone
Author: theanointedwriter
Overcomers’ Testimony – Tricia’s Story
My REAL Issue Growing up my reality was always one of turmoil and distress. From a young age, I was constantly teased and bullied about my weight, appearance and complexion. This continued over the years and happened everywhere I went. The devil made a direct attack on my self-esteem and cursed it from a very… Continue reading Overcomers’ Testimony – Tricia’s Story
Five Relationship Rules for Young Women from a Former Man Clown
I apologize to my international followers for the heavy use of Jamaican Creole/Patois in this blog post. Bear with me, as the views I am about to express will best be presented in my native tongue. Thankfully, patois is not the hardest broken English to piece together. With the use of context clues, common sense… Continue reading Five Relationship Rules for Young Women from a Former Man Clown
Homosexuality to Holiness Part V – No Love from Church Members
Hi, it's me again. Did you think that this series ended? It couldn't end without me talking about the eye-opening aspect of this journey that still affects me today. And that's existing among Jamaican church members with a not so welcoming homosexual past. Explore the previous parts of this series before you lock into this… Continue reading Homosexuality to Holiness Part V – No Love from Church Members
How Family Dysfunction Leads to Teenage Rebellion in Jamaica
Throughout history, family dysfunction, child abuse and child neglect have been norms in the Jamaican household. Moreso, for low and middle-class families. I have come to the conclusion that most Jamaican parents know nothing about parenting. And, have constructed parenting styles based on generations of dysfunction and abuse. Whatever our grandparents did our parents did.… Continue reading How Family Dysfunction Leads to Teenage Rebellion in Jamaica