This article was written in obedience to Divine instructions. As I slept on the night of March 10, 2018, these words floated before my eyes "How the blood of Yeshua joins us to the commonwealth of Israel." In addition to seeing the words, I saw a picture of the flag of Israel as well as… Continue reading How the Blood of Yeshua joins us to the Commonwealth of Israel
Author: theanointedwriter
Why I Cut My Locks – Apostle Racquel Jones
I have been wanting to share the stories of Christian women who had locks (locks, dreadlocks, sisterlocks) and cut them since I went through the experience of cutting my own sisterlocks. When I share with others that "God told me to cut my locks", the majority of the responses reflect disbelief. "Why would God ever… Continue reading Why I Cut My Locks – Apostle Racquel Jones
5 Lessons you will Learn from 2 Years of Godly Dating
I went ahead and hand-picked someone who could possibly be my future husband and I initiated the entire process. I befriended him, I initiated conversation, I orchestrated meet-ups. I cemented an imagine in my head of what the future would be like with him and I did everything for that to happen. I prayed and included God in a process that He had nothing to do with initially.
Find Contentment in 2018 – Choose Joy
If there is no enemy within the enemy outside can do you no harm. I must say that 2018 is off to a GREAT start. Yes, I know that we're just 20 days in but that's the beauty of this blog post about contentment. Length of time doesn't define or affect a thing when you choose… Continue reading Find Contentment in 2018 – Choose Joy
What is Love | Not a fairy-tale but an adventure by Shackara Evans
After reading the fairy-tales of Cinderella, The Beauty and the Beast, Snow White and The Princess and the Pea while growing up, many formed an opinion of love based on these stories. When the books weren’t enough, movies caused me to form the perfect picture in my mind about love. Isn't a picture worth a… Continue reading What is Love | Not a fairy-tale but an adventure by Shackara Evans