
Beautiful Worth

Do you know who or what defines your worth? Not anyone or anything of this world but God! Periodt!

A few months ago before this Coronavirus pandemic, I went shopping and got a beautiful red dress for a fair price. Two weeks after I got the dress, I went to the same store and saw the same dress I bought for a greatly reduced price! Right there and then I began to think that my dress wasn’t worth what I paid for it.

When we speak of the worth of something, we often consider it to be a relative term. One that has shifting factors. For example, the dress I bought was six thousand dollars, and a week later it was three thousand, five hundred dollars. The dress didn’t change, but its’ perceived worth did.

Now, consider the worth of a woman. Are the factors that determine her value based upon variable and shifting factors or are they based upon fixed factors? Seems to be a silly question, doesn’t it? Fixed, of course! But, if the answer is so glaringly obvious, why do we struggle so much as women with feelings of worthlessness? Why do we walk around feeling like that red dress? I think it’s because we often allow variable earthly factors to define our worth.

Question: If you were to describe yourself in a few statements, what would you say?

Your view of self is highly dependent on your early experiences in life. As you get older, you look to other persons’ lives to determine your own significance. The enemy is strategic and will capitalize on anything to veil the truth of God’s love and regard for us. The absolute truth is that your worth is defined and sustained by the Lord. Everything else is either deception or a lie.

I know that some of us are constantly tempted to define our worth with activities, emotions, and accomplishments. I’ve come to realize, however, that that way of thinking is a spiritual dead-end road. We are women of the highest worth. We are His daughters, made in His image, precious in His sight. In light of this, we need to set aside feelings that diminish our value and embrace our proper identity: Child of the King of Kings.

Here are some other biblical truths for you:

  1. You were wonderfully and fearfully made by the King of the world. (Psalm 139:14)
  2. Jesus gave His life  for you. (Romans 5:8)
  3. You are God’s masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10)
  4.  You are a royal priesthood. (1 Peter 2:9)


  1. What came to your mind as you read today’s devotion? Who are what defines your worth?
  2. As you spend time in God’s presence, ask Him to reveal the truth of how much you are worth to Him to your heart.

P.s: Girl, you are worth so much more than silver and gold! 🙂

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