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Filled with Gratitude: Day 2

Scriptures for today: Ephesians 2:1-13 & 2 Corinthians 1:10

Let’s take a moment to reflect. We’ve all been delivered from things from our past, and we are still being delivered today, for deliverance is a continual process.

When I think about my life and all that Christ has delivered me from, a spring of gratitude wells up in my heart. Life before Christ, as I remember, was confusing; filled with pain, frustration, a search for love in all the wrong places, and some beautiful moments.  When I take an honest look at how life has been for me, I find myself asking this question, “How is my sanity still intact?” Who knows where I would be or what my life would look like if Christ didn’t step in?! I can’t even imagine it!

Life now is so much better, even with the obstacles that I face. I wouldn’t want to do life without Christ in it, for life without Christ is no life at all! God has delivered me, rescued me, and set me free from so much! I’m not the same person I used to be, and this gratitude is what washes over me when I think about my life.

Today as you reflect, I want you to think about Jesus’ deliverance. Jesus’ deliverance to the hands of sinners allowed for your own deliverance into salvation. He made it possible for you to experience true freedom, joy, peace, love, and so many other things. Whatever God delivered you from was made possible because He willingly gave himself to be crucified for you, so you could experience a new life in Him.  

I am not asking you to dwell on the past. I am asking that you call to mind what Christ has done for you. Living your life in remembrance of what Christ has done for you causes you to live each day with a grateful heart!

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What was your life like before Christ?
  2. What are some things that He delivered you from? If this question is too hard to answer, may I invite you to ponder it today.

As you reflect, listen to this song ‘Remembrance‘ done by Hillsong Worship.

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