
Filled With Gratitude: Day 3

I call what Paul and Silas did while they were in prison ‘Shackle Praise’ in Acts 16:11-40. Which living being will sing praises while in prison?

Here’s the story:

In Acts 16, we find that a demon-possessed slave girl began to follow Paul around crying out “These men are the servants of the most high God which show unto us the way to salvation” (v. 17).  Even though she spoke the truth, I can imagine the damage this would do to his ministry. Paul could not afford for that to happen, so he cast out the demon (v. 18). What Paul did immediately cut off the source of income for her masters, so they demanded the arrest of Paul and Silas and brought them before the authorities of the city (v.19-20). The magistrates didn’t like trouble makers, so they had Paul and Silas beaten and put in jail.

Still hurting from the beating, and locked in wooden stocks, you would not think the prisoners would be too joyful. However, at midnight the jailer and the other prisoners were startled to hear Paul and Silas singing and praising God. God responded by shaking the prison with an earthquake that opened the doors and freed the prisoners (v. 25-26). As the jailer was about to commit suicide Paul led him to Christ, and he ended up taking the missionaries home with him, which then lead to him and His family being baptized (v. 27-34).

I want us to give focus to the part where Paul and Silas sang songs of praise unto the Lord while in shackles! God responded by shaking the prison cell with an earthquake. With that shaking, their chains fell off, doors flung open and they were free! Are you in awe yet?

It’s amazing what praises can do! Paul and Silas’ experience proved that there is power in our praise. Note that Paul and Silas didn’t use praise to twist God’s arm. They knew who He was and they had no choice but to trust Him. They weren’t focused on the chains that held them down. Their thoughts were God, the One worthy of praise! They knew He was still in control even though the odds were against them. The end result of their praise while they were bound? An earthquake that shook the very walls of the prison cell, flung doors open, and gave them their freedom! Imagine them singing ‘Shackles‘ by Mary Mary. I don’t know what odds are against you, but remember God’s faithfulness to you in the past, praise Him, and watch Him come through for you.

Paul and Silas did that shackle praise and their chains fell off. What are you going to do? Are you going to get your praise on?

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