
Filled with Gratitude: Day 5

A prayer for a heart of gratitude:

Father, your word says that we are to enter your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise. Would you teach me how to do this daily? Our praise and thanksgiving to you shouldn’t be determined by the circumstances that we face. Praise and thanksgiving should be offered to you because of who you are! You are God, and you are worthy of every praise, honour, and glory.

Father, teach me how to be joyful always, to pray continually, and to offer up praise in all circumstances. Though at times my heart may not agree with your choices, help me to understand that your ways are not my ways. Everything you do is righteous even when my heart disagrees. Help me to keep my eyes on you for you are still in control.

Like David, I command my soul to call forth your favours to recollection. Father, you have been faithful to me through the ages. You have kept every promise; you have not failed to deliver. You have kept my mind and heart still. You have not allowed your servant to be put to shame. You continue to show up for me in ways no one can understand. Father, what a gift it is to be able to say thank you! I take a step back to recognize this gift of life that I have because of You. Thank you! It is you oh Lord that have done this!

Thank you for ordering my steps each day. Thank you for leading me beside still waters, for restoring my soul, and for leading in paths of righteousness. Your heart towards me is filled with goodness and mercy, and for that I thank you! Amen.

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