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God uses the flawed

Today’s verse: 2 Corinthians 12:9

I know you can all admit that you have some ugly parts of you that you would rather hide from the world. No matter how much of a well-rounded person you think you are, you should admit to the fact that nobody is perfect. There is a particular part of your personality that may look weird or is annoying for others. That’s okay!

Many of you spend plenty of your lives trying to improve those flaws so you can be perceived as perfect people. You spend time trying to “fix” yourself so you feel qualified like you have it together enough to make a unique difference.

I am here to tell you that your flaws are okay!  In fact, God uses flaws in your life as a means to accomplish his purposes in ways you could never imagine. God never wants to remove flaws or “thorns in the flesh” from our life.  For without them, you may never be moulded and shaped into the person God desires you to become. When you surrender yourselves to God and allow Him to work on you, He will shape and refine you. He will even take those same “not so beautiful parts” and use them for good.

God still uses vessels with flaws.

To many, you are not attractive on a flower stand by the window, but God still uses flawed vessels to grow beautiful flowers.  He doesn’t give up on them nor throw them away.  In fact, the simple truth is that we are all flawed vessels; people with flaws and imperfections, whom God loves.   And he knows that the flaws in our lives are a means to perfect us even more – all for his glory. God is not looking for perfect people, and if you don’t believe me, go read about God’s twelve disciples. They had issues but God called them and used them to create history! God has a way of using flawed vessels to do extraordinary things in this world. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed of your flaws. Continue to stay surrendered, and in time you will be made even more beautiful! Embrace your flaws, so that the power of Christ may rest upon you to reveal God’s surpassing greatness.

God, you show Your power in the most unexpected ways and people. Where we see flaws, you see golden opportunities to bring forth Your glory. Thank you that we don’t have to be perfect to be used by You; we need only to be willing. Amen.

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