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Hey There, Beautiful!

Today’s verse: 1 Peter 3:3-4

The number of people in our society who place an exorbitant focus on outward appearance is overwhelming. Wherever you go there are messages about what it is like to be the “beautiful woman.” If you aren’t wearing the latest clothes, have a huge butt, flawless skin, long hair, eyebrows on fleek, or long nails, then sweetie, you don’t fit the beautiful category!

 It is not that I am saying anything is wrong with these things. A woman can and should feel and look beautiful according to her standard of beauty —God designed her to be that way. Her skin, hair and other features were created to be soft and appealing. Her body was fashioned to be attractive and beautiful to men. A woman was designed to be attractive, and most women want to be beautiful. However, the physical side of beauty is just a small part of what makes a woman truly beautiful.  

I have known many physically beautiful people who I didn’t like because on the inside they were everything but pretty. Conversely, I’ve known some not so physically beautiful people who had amazing personalities to the point where you don’t see their imperfections. I’m sure you have too.

So, let’s chat!

How is your inner beauty? Are you growing in patience? Are you gracious and Kind? Are your thoughts pure? Do you have a quiet spirit; one that’s not argumentative and contentious? Are you humble and compassionate? Can the fruit of The Spirit be seen in you? I guess what I am trying to say is this; paying attention to your inner beauty is just as important as your outward beauty. Our bodies go through so many different changes every single day. One minute you’re young and healthy and the next you’re not so young with warts and wrinkled skin. These bodies that we are in won’t even matter when Christ returns. In fact, we will receive glorified bodies that are imperishable, honourable, and powerful. Our new bodies will be no longer “natural” bodies, but “spiritual” bodies, no longer focused upon the natural senses but at one with the Holy Spirit. (Read 1 Corinthians 15:42-53 & Philippians 3:20-21)

A truly beautiful woman is not only attractive on the outside but also on the inside. One day your outer beauty will fade, and the only beauty that will matter is the beauty that God sees in you when you stand before Him. Being beautiful to God should be a top priority on every woman’s list. If a woman possesses only the physical aspect of beauty without the inner and godly qualities, she is a hollow and empty shell.

Let us aim to beautiful on the inside just as we aim to be beautiful on the outside, but most importantly, beautiful to God.

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