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I Surrender: Day 2

Surrender Your Isaac – Isaiah 43:6-7

In 2015, the Lord showed me a vision of what my life would like in a few years. Every year after, my heart grew frustrated and impatient because I wanted what He showed me to happen so badly. Every time I tried to get ahead of Him He would say, “No, not yet.” Frustration grew in my heart even more and I began to despise my process. Fast forward to May 2020. Two nights ago I was resting in the presence of the Lord, and He started talking to me about surrendering that same vision He showed me in 2015.

I processed what the Lord asked me to do and I found myself saying to Him, “No matter where I serve, it’s all for you. If I have to stay at this place much longer, then so be it. You are glorified. I am here to serve you.” I don’t know what will happen a few days from now but I know that my heart is at peace.

We were made for the glory of the Lord so everything that we do in this life should be to the Glory of Him who made us. No matter what it is we do — everything — the most mundane, unimportant stuff in our life, should be “for the glory of God.”

The Lord will oftentimes ask us to surrender something that is very dear to us. Maybe you have a vision, a gift, a desire and God is asking you to “Lay it on the altar” just like He did with Abraham. At 100 years old, a son was finally born to Abraham and Sarah, then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love–Isaac–and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you” (Genesis 22:2). This was a most difficult command for Abraham, being that Isaac was a child of promise. But even with that, Abraham responded to God’s request to sacrifice his son Isaac immediately.

Honestly, I grappled with what God had asked of me concerning this vision but I got to a place of surrender after considering these questions He asked me: “What if I decide to put this vision on the back-burner would where you are be enough for you? Would you serve me with gladness? Would you still choose to serve me with everything that’s within you?” I want you to ask yourself those same questions the Lord asked me. What would your answers be?

When God asks us to surrender, especially in a case like this, there’s much that He wants us to learn. He wants us to learn to trust that His ways are always better than ours. If God has asked you to place something that you love at His altar, you can trust that He has a good plan. Though we may not understand everything that God asks of us, we can know that God is a good Father. He will never ask anything of you to hurt you. God honoured Abraham’s faith by offering him a ram to sacrifice instead of Isaac. God may have been testing Abraham’s faith and complete obedience. When you obey the Lord by surrendering that thing He is asking you to surrender, He will reward your faith.

What might the Lord be asking you to “sacrifice to His altar?” Comment below.

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