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I Surrender: Day 4

Obedience Demonstrates Surrender – Luke 5:1-11

In Luke 5:1-11 Jesus was teaching by the Lake of Gennesaret. When the people started to flock Him, he went and stood on a boat belonging to Simon that was by the water edge. Jesus asked him to go out a little farther from the shore so he could teach the people from the boat. After this happened Jesus said to Peter, “Put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon replied to Jesus saying, “Master, we worked hard all night [to the point of exhaustion] and caught nothing, but at your word, I will do as you say and lower the nets again.

There are two things that I love about this story:

  1. When we yield to God and give Him our yes, things always turn out for our good. We don’t have to understand or know what the outcome will be. We just have to trust that God knows all things; He knows our beginning and He knows how our end will be.
  2. Surrendered people obey God’s Word. Surrender is intense warfare against our self-centred nature. Everyone eventually surrenders to something or someone. If not God, you will surrender to your own opinions, to fear, your own pride, and even your ego.

I am not a fan of Accounting because I don’t understand the subject and I am pretty bad at math! One day we were doing an exercise in class and I got pretty frustrated because I sat at my desk for about 35 minutes trying to find the answer to the question that was before me. I finally asked my instructor for some assistance, and like Jesus, she said, “Try again.” Like Simon, I responded by saying, “Miss, I’ve been going at this for the past 35 minutes and I still can’t get it. I don’t what else to do; nevertheless, I will do as you have said.”  I tried again with her guidance and the question was answered correctly in less than 5 minutes!

Like Simon, I was frustrated, but I tried again because I trusted that my instructor knew what she was doing; she was a professional accounts instructor. Many of you are frustrated because you have tried so many times and still cannot come up with a solution. Trust that God knows what He is about, as He is the professional in your story! Incline your ears to the voice of God and do as He has said – Let down your nets once again!

When we say, “Yes Lord” to whatever the Lord asks of us, that demonstrates that we have surrendered. We are no longer leaning on our own logic, understanding and ways of doing things. Nothing is wrong with saying, “God, I’ve been going at this for so long” but don’t stop there! Obey Him by letting down your net! Behind your obedience and your surrendered heart is a great miracle that awaits you!

Action step

In what ways can you relate to Simon? Talk to God about those things, and ask Him to help you ‘let down your net’ once again.

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