
Intimacy with the Holy Spirit: Day 1

What do you love most about your relationship with the Holy Spirit? It’s the random drop-ins for me. I love that our relationship is at a place where He can come as He pleases—when I’m watching tv, reading a book, preparing this devotional, or when I’m laying down. I love our friendship! 

This intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit started when I started praying, “Holy Spirit, I need you. Come and be my comforter.” I admit that I started praying like that because I had many lonely days. If you’re a single woman, I’m sure you can relate. The Holy Spirit did come as my comforter, and then I started praying for Him to come and be to me all that He can be.

It’s so important for you to know that you can have a close, intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, that He will communicate with you, comfort you, be your friend and guide. I’ve been a Christian for many years and had no idea that I could experience this level of intimacy with Him. I didn’t know that I could experience real peace and joy because of the Holy Spirit living in me. It was life-changing for me when I got the revelation that He wanted to not only be there when I needed guidance, but He also wanted to be my friend and enjoy my company. 

Do you have this type of intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit? If not, do you want to have this relationship with Him? 

Let me let you in on a secret: You need to invite the Holy Spirit into your life and believe with your whole heart that He will show up. The Holy Spirit is not the type to barge in and take over. One thing I realise is that He desires to come to us more than we want to receive Him. I pray that if you don’t have an intimate relationship with Him your heart would open and be ready to receive Him when He comes knocking at your door—for He will knock.

The  Holy Spirit wants to be to you all that he can be. He wants to be your comforter, your advocate, your intercessor, your counsellor, and your strengthener (John 14:26). He wants to be your friend, your guide, and the one who teaches you all things. He wants to lead you into all truth, but you must invite Him in. The truth is if you really believe that the Holy Spirit is your helper and He’s willing to help you no matter what, then you have no reason to not invite Him in and develop that intimate relationship with Him. He is ready to lead you in God’s will for your life and enable you to do everything you need to do. 

If you don’t have this intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, don’t worry, you actually can have it. If you’re not a Christian, intimacy with the Holy Spirit comes through salvation (believing and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour). If you are a Christian, it comes through surrendering your heart and life to Him. Start there and enter into something amazing that awaits you—intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

Meditation scriptures: John 14:26, John 16:7, John 16:13

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