
Let Great Faith Arise…

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who by faith have testified to the truth of God’s absolute faithfulness], stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us” Hebrews 12:1.

The book of Hebrews gives us a wonderful list of people who are commended by God for their faith. It is a catalogue of men and women that stand as witnesses to lives that honoured the Lord. They are called “a great cloud of witnesses”, and indeed their lives demonstrated a trust in God that stands as a wonderful testimony and great encouragement for us—we must run the race that is set before us, as we look to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Despite the many trials they were faced with, these men and women obtained a good testimony through faith. They finished the race that was set before them having set aside the sin which plagues so many Christians.  Hebrews 12:1 tells us that we should, “strip off every unnecessary weight and sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us.” What is this unnecessary weight and sin that entangles so many of us? It is the sin of unbelief.

Wow! Unbelief is considered a sin? Yes, it’s most definitely considered as sin, and it displeases God. As Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God,” and rightly so because unbelief is like a terrible insult. If a friend offers to do me a favour and promises to see it through, but I decline the offer and say, “No, friend, I’ve decided I just can’t trust you anymore,”—if that is my response to my friend’s promise, I can guarantee you that my friendship would be over.

To God, our unbelief says, “I don’t really think you can be counted on to make a better future for me than I can make in following my own way,” —and that’s sin in the eyes of the Lord. A failure to trust and believe in the promises of God is the greatest insult you can give to God and therefore the primary offence in all sin.

Instead of unbelief, God wants us to have faith. He wants us to trust and believe that what He says He will do, He will do. Many of us don’t see the promises of God come through for us because of our unbelief. Many of us are living in a crippled state because of unbelief. And that my friend needs to change because without faith it’s impossible to please God. 

May great faith arise in your heart so that you can walk boldly into what the Lord is calling into. May great faith arise in your heart so you can be obedient to the Lord’s will for your life. May great faith arise in your heart so that you can manifest and be who you are called to be. May great faith arises in your heart so you can truly believe that all things are possible with God; if He said it, then believe it. Believe and live in the realm of what’s possible through God, and God alone. 

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