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Letters To Her: Already Validated

Dearly Beloved,

Today I write to remind you that you do not need man’s permission to be you, and to do the things you know God has called you to do. If God said it, then it is so! You and the plan God has for your life is approved of and validated by God.

Remember that scripture? Let me remind you: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” Jeremiah 1:5. I can’t stress this enough – Before you or anyone else had an opinion about your life, God had a plan laid out. He said, “This is what my child will be like, and this is what she will do.” So when God reveals to you things He would have you do, don’t go seeking for man’s approval. Remember, you are living for an audience of one!

Be encouraged to pursue your purpose in God above all. Know that God has ALREADY approved and validated you. Be released from the constant desire to be validated by men and people. What if man does not approve of you and the good works that you were called to do? What would you do then?

I know too well what it feels like to live for man’s approval. It’s like running around like a headless chicken. I did my very best to “fit” a certain mould and look a certain way in order to be accepted by people, but all that did was give me an identity that was never my own.  Pursue your identity in Christ. Pursue validation by God, first and foremost.

Woman of God, today I want to encourage you to rise up and know that God approved and validated you before you were formed in the womb, and He has set you apart as His chosen instrument and vessel to make a difference in His Kingdom! Break out of the box that people’s opinion has placed you in. Be freed from the yoke of people-pleasing. Lay down that burden of living for man’s approval. The only approval that matters at the end of the day is that of God.

Your challenge, should you accept:

As you spend some time reflecting today, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Am I one who seeks approval from others?
  2.  How does this need for approval holding me back from walking in purpose?

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