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Letters To Her: Called to be Holy

Dearly Beloved,

There is a scripture that says, “Be holy, for I am holy” – 1 Peter 1:16. This verse is telling us that God has called us to live holy lives. What does this mean? Does it mean that you keep your hair natural, not pierce your ears, go to church, read your bible and pray; not use curse words, wear an ankle-length skirt; along with stern prohibitions against drinking, going to the club, gambling and all the other religious things that you’ve probably heard about? Holiness is not just merely avoiding that which is considered to be “unclean” or “unchristlike”. Holiness is a way of life that affects everything you do. Holiness is a lifestyle, rather than mere conformity to a list of religious rules.

To be holy means the opposite of being “common” or “profane.” God is holy in that He is utterly different and distinct from His creation. His people must also be distinct, and separate from the attitude, actions and ways of the world. You are called to live a life that’s not “common” or “profane.” You are called to live a life that is set apart for God.

The sad reality is that holiness is becoming so rare in the church! We have gotten so comfortable with adding God to our lives with little or no change on our part. We have gotten so comfortable with leading ministries, preaching, teaching and speaking when behind the scenes we aren’t living out this command – “Be holy, as I am holy.” Peter’s call to holiness is but a repetition of a command given long before by God Himself to the nation Israel: “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” We should be holy because God commands it. To do otherwise is to be disobedient.

Beloved, pause for a bit, and ask yourself these questions:

Am I living a life that is set apart and devoted to God or am I conformed to the standards of this world?

Am I living a life that’s just merely avoiding the things that are considered to be “unclean” or “unchristlike” or am I devoted to obeying the laws of the Lord, and having my heart changed by the Holy Spirit?

It is time to move away from the legalistic view of holiness, and move towards living lives that are consecrated unto the Lord. We must not only keep the statutes of the Lord, but we must also practice them, and allow them to sanctify us. We must move away from the external religion that is big on appearance but lacking in heart.

If you, a child of God, is to be God’s manifested presence to the rest of the world, then you have to be like God – holy. And how can you be holy like God? By God’s grace and through His Spirit. Surrender yourself to His sanctifying work

Your Charge:  “As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behaviour; because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” ” 1 Peter 1:14-16

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