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Letters To Her: Created with Intent & Purpose

Dearly Beloved,

Did you know that God created you with intent and Purpose? Did you know that every part of your being was carefully woven together to fit God’s plan for your life?

From before you were formed in your mother’s womb, the Godhead sat down and had a meeting about you and came up with a plan for your life, from birth to whenever He decides to call you home. Nothing about you is a mistake. Everything that you are and everything that’s inside you; your dreams and your visions – God intentionally placed them there. Did you know that after God created you He said, “You are good”?  Yes! He was pleased, and you are still pleasing to His eyes. After He was finished creating you, He looked down on you with delight, for He knew that you would come into this world and beautifully put His glory on display. God made you the way you are to bring glory to Him like no one else can.

Your life has a purpose, and God wants you to live every day with that in mind. Know that life is more than just passing through to get to a better place. God’s plan for creating you was intentional and deliberate. You may have been asking this question, “What’s my purpose in life?” May I invite you to take some time and pray about it? Yes, pray about it! If God created you then He should know the reason why. It is my belief that you were specifically tailored to do amazing things for the kingdom, and until you connect with your creator, you will never know what those amazing things are.

Don’t spend another day going through the motions. Connect with your creator and let Him guide you; let Him show you the blueprint He has for your life. Don’t waste another day, week or year doing things you were not created to do.

And for those of you are of the belief that you have no purpose, can we just cancel that lie right now? Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” You are God’s making; formed by Him to do good works that were prepared beforehand. However, one thing I must point out is this; you won’t be fit to do this good work that you were created to do until you have surrendered to God and committed yourself to walk in holiness.

A challenge for you, should you accept:

  1. As you engage with today’s devotional, ask the Lord these questions
    • Who am I?
    • What is my purpose?
  2. If you have not yet surrendered your life to God, may I invite you to do so? Think about it! God awaits you!

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