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Meditation: Take Off Your Mask

In today’s society, there are often two people we will come across: Those who hide who they really are by adjusting their behaviour or personality to match what others are doing or those who don’t care what others think and are able to be themselves.  We could think of the first type as those who wear a mask.

Undoubtedly, those who wear masks are either trying to gain influence, trying to fit in, trying to be like someone else, or trying to hide their true nature. Because of this, they may seem like two very different people in different situations, which almost always turns out badly. People who wear masks  are more concerned about what others think about them than how they feel about themselves. The truth is, trying to impress others by being something we’re not is often more harmful than helpful, and eventually they will probably see through the mask.  The same is true in relationships. 

In relationships, many are trying to hide insecurities, pride, shame, or malicious thoughts.  After a while, they start to create masks to hide their true thoughts and feelings and present an image they hope will prove their worth. The longer they wear a mask, the more comfortable they feel. But here’s the thing, you can’t enjoy healthy relationships unless you remove the mask and show others who you really are. If your desire is to be known and to be known fully, then a mask cannot be worn. A  mask hides a person’s true nature. Many of you aren’t just hiding your true nature from people, you are also doing that with God. You can try to hide your true nature from people, but that does not work with God. Hiding from God is not only ridiculous, but it’s also very detrimental to you.

God is saying to you today: take off your mask. Wearing a mask is preventing you from experiencing deeper intimacy with me and those you call family and friends. It is time to drop the pretence and show who you really are. Remember, I already know you from before you were born. Nothing about you is hidden from me. Instead of covering up your faults how about opening up to me? Don’t you know that I am the only one who can truly make things right with you? Rather than trying to impress me, pursue an honest and intimate relationship with me. Remove your mask and lay bare your heart before me. You don’t have to try to prove a thing to me. Actually, your mask is preventing you from pleasing me. When you wear a mask you are trying to win the approval of others—and in trying to win the approval of others you disobey me. Beloved, don’t you know that you are already approved by me? Remove your mask and let us enjoy true intimacy with each other. 

I challenge you this day to stop living according to the status quo and consider what changes you need to make to become more authentic with God, yourself, and other people. It is ok to be your truest self, without fear of being too much or too little.

Scriptures for meditation: Proverbs 10:9, Proverbs 11:3, Psalm 51:6, Psalm 139: 1-5

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