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The Lord Is Gracious and Compassionate

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made (Psalm 145: 8-9).

I’m at this church service and the pastor says, “If the Lord has been gracious to you throughout the week, give him praise.” Only about 10 people opened their mouths and said: “thank you, Jesus.”  I wondered why only just a few people actually responded. Is it that people don’t see God as any of those things— gracious, compassionate, slow to anger, rich in love, and good to all? I don’t know what people are going through or what their beliefs are, but what I do know is that these attributes of God are true of Him. He really is all those things and more. 

If you are looking for some encouragement this day then read on.

The Lord is gracious: Grace can be seen as  God’s unmerited favour to the undeserving. We are all undeserving of God’s grace, but He freely gives it to us. The bible says that “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God,” and it also says that “the wages of sin is death.” We are all deserving of death, but God sent His one and only Son to pay that penalty for us. He gives us grace when we need it to overcome our struggles — and He invites us to boldly approach the throne of Grace whenever we need help (Hebrews 4:16). If you are in need of grace, accept God’s invitation to approach the throne of grace boldly; there you will receive all the grace you need.

The Lord is compassionate: God is not only just compassionate, he is full of compassion. His heart moves for the orphans and widows. His heart moves for the sick and barren. His heart breaks at the sight of those who suffer. Compassion is not something the Lord is short of. Matthew 9:36 tells us that, When the Lord saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Please read the chapter to find out more. If you’re suffering, or in a valley, trust God to show you compassion. He will lead you through.

The Lord is slow to Anger: Think about the Israelites who disobeyed God time and time again. He forgave them every time! Sure, he punished them, but before every punishment, a warning was issued. Think of the times when you also disobeyed God. Think of the times when you told Him that you wouldn’t do a thing, but you ended up doing it just the same. Did the Lord strike you down at the moment? God is very patient with us—always remember that! 

The Lord is good to all: The Lord is good to all of mankind. Whether you are a Christian or not, the goodness of the Lord passes overall. The fact that you are alive and well is the Lord’s goodness to you. Jesus said He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust (Matthew 5:45). He is not only good to those who He has chosen, but to all of His creation. Remember all that the Lord has done for you, give thanks and encourage yourself. 

Be encouraged!

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