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The Praying Woman: Don’t Forget to Dwell

Psalm 27:4

One thing we should learn to do when we pray is how to dwell. I find that when I take the time to be still and allow myself to just be in the presence of the Lord, I have great and intimate encounters with Him. I seem to hear Him much clearer and I always leave His presence filled with so much joy and peace.

There are times when we enter into our prayer times wanting to just “cut to the chase” because our day has already been planned. There is no time to waste and we oftentimes forget to allow space for God to talk to us because we are doing all the talking.  We go to God with our massive prayer list and rattling it off to Him as if He didn’t already know about these things. When this happens, don’t you leave God’s presence feeling the same way you went to Him; weighed down and maybe even anxious? Think about it! Unhurried time with the Lord is always beautiful and filling, and it gives room for you to listen to Him and be open to what He may bring to your heart and mind.

What does it mean to dwell in the Lord?

The word “dwell” came from the Hebrew word yashab, which means to “sit down, settle, remain, and inhabit.” Dwelling in God’s presence is a conscious choice. It is something that you must decide to do. When you do these things, it may seem as though you are wasting time, but dwelling in the presence of the Lord is always refreshing.

My prayer is that one that day you can say with David, “One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.”

Does that resonate with you? Do you, too, want to live in the presence of the Lord, seeking Him daily? Then I invite you to join me in a quest to live beneath the surface level by dwelling in God’s presence. At Jesus’ feet, you will learn what it means to wrestle in prayer for the things that concern you. Let us become women who seek one thing alone: fellowship with Jesus. Will you join me? Let me know by chiming in the comments section below.

Tip for today:

If you’re a nature lover, carve out some time to either sit in nature or take a walk. Don’t carry your list to this prayer time, just be ready and open to have an intimate time with the Lord.

Prompt for today:

Ask the Lord what’s on His heart for you and be prepared to listen.

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