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Woman Of The Word: Day 2

Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” The message here is about the frailty of man. Isaiah thinks of the beautiful green grass covering the hills, and how quickly that beautiful green grass dies, and the hills are left brown and barren. This is how frail and weak we are. Even the beauty of man is fleeting and passes as quickly as spring, but “…the word of God stands forever.” In contrast to the frailty and fleeting glory of man (The grass withers, the flower fades), the word of our God endures forever. It has been around for centuries. It survived manual transcription, persecution, ever-changing philosophies, and all kinds of critics. It has been neglected both in the pulpit and in the pew. It has been doubted and still, it stands forever!

Why is it that we need to be women of this word that endures forever? Why do we need to hide it in our hearts? Why do we need to become students of this word? 

God’s Word is just as He is…always true, error-free, relevant, unchanging, faithful, and uncompromising. In a world that is constantly changing, believers will always have an unchanging constant – God and His Word.

When all else fails, and nothing seems to work, the word of God is the only thing that has been tested, tried and proven to be true. The word of God has all we need for life. It gives wisdom, direction, clarity; it encourages, strengthens and edifies the soul. The bible, which is the word of God, says, “As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him” Psalm.18:30. The word of the Lord is tried. It is like silver refined in the furnace. The doctrines are glorious, the precepts are pure, the promises are faithful, and the whole revelation is full of grace and truth. David has tried it, thousands have tried it, we have tried it, and it has never failed.  The Bible also says that “the law of the Lord is perfect” Psalm 19:7. The word of God is perfect. There are no redundancies and no omissions found in it! In it, you and I can put our trust. We can rest assured knowing that when we turn to the word for answers, though it does not explicitly lay them out, we will be guided in the right direction. 

All of God’s creation may wither and die, but His Word is eternal. The steadfastness and faithfulness of God’s Word is a comfort to all who believe. We need to become women of the word because of this very reason.

My Prayer

Abba Father, thank You for Your Living Word and Your Written Word. Thank you for the truth, grace and comfort that it contains. Help me to become a woman that finds studying, consuming and feasting on Your word a great joy. Help me to understand  it more and more, so that I can apply it to my daily life.  Help me to know and understand it so well, so I can effectively share it with others, so they too can be changed and transformed. Amen.

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