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Woman Of the Word: Day 4

Have you been fighting a never-ending battle that you keep losing? Have you tried taking up your sword? Many have been fighting and keep losing because they have not taken up their sword, which is the word of God.  The bible says, “Take up the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God” Ephesians 6:17. Why does scripture advise us to take up our sword? The sword is a part of the armour of God that we must wear every single day that we may be able to withstand in the evil day. Ephesians 6:12  tells us that, “we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places.” How then are you going to be able to fight against these things listed in Ephesians 6 if you do not have your weapon?

The word is associated with the sword, and the sword is a weapon that you use to fight. The level to which you are equipped with the word determines your effectiveness in warfare. The enemy is strategic and knows the word enough to put his own twist to it. He spends every day trying to oppose the word of God with his lies. By knowing the word you’re able to counteract those lies with truth. Each day, arm yourself with the word. A soldier never leaves his sword when he goes out to battle, and he also does not look for his weapon in the midst of warfare. Soldiers are prepared ahead of time and at all times. 

In this day and age, you must have the word of God hidden in your heart. You must be ready, with the sword in hand, to slay wickedness as soon as it is exposed. You have available to you a very sharp sword that is, “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” Hebrews 4:12. However, many of you don’t know how to use this sword because of unbelief, fear, and lack of confidence. I pray that as you set yourself to study and feast on the word of God, that He would remove all unbelief, fear and lack of confidence. I suggest that you ask the Lord to train your hands for war so that you carry the sword wisely and well; use it frequently on your own heart, and then use it to slay the lies that the world is feeding you.

Planting yourself in God’s Word is certainly not where the battle ends, it is where it begins. You must put God’s Word into action if there is to be any change in you and the world. To slay the sin in your own heart, to fight against real lies, to see the changes you long to see, you need more than casual, sporadic Bible reading. 

You are a warrior, friend, and your soul and the souls of those you love are at stake. Equip yourself for the battle of your life by putting on the full armor of God and sharpening your sword.

Question for reflection:

Are you ready for battle? If no, in what ways can you prepare?

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