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Woman Of The Word: Day 5

God’s word is so precious! It gives life to dead things and is a source of encouragement to all who read it. My hope and prayer are that from reading the devotionals this week, you would have really examined your life and see where you can make changes so that you can get more of the word in. The word is needed for you to function at your best every single day. What changes will you make going forward? Think about it. 

My prayer:

ABBA, you have given us this beautiful gift that guides, corrects; a gift that is a source of hope, encouragement, peace and joy. ABBA, help me to steward this gift well, by consuming and feasting on it daily. Cause me to not just read the bible and then put it down for days. I want to be a lover of Your word. I want to find joy in reading it. Would you give me the grace to diligently study it until I am changed—because that’s what your word does? I am transformed as I read it. I am made new as I delight in it, and hide in my heart! 

ABBA, as I set myself to read your words more, please give wisdom and understanding. As I read, help me to discover more of who You are. Help me discern the truth of your word. Help me not to rely on my own understanding. It was You who caused the word to be written for our learning. Teach me in the power of Your Holy Spirit, the truths that You would have me learn.

Abba, I know that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of Your mouth. Feed me on Your Word I pray, and make me hungry for the living Manna that comes from heaven, the heavenly Bread of Life and true and living Water, Who alone can bring us into our eternal inheritance. 

May the Spirit of all Truth open my mind as I read and study Your Word. May I be willing to be led into all truth and to be taught what your will is for my life. Give me a willing heart and the opportunity to share with others the pearls of truth You would teach me. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

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