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You? Worthless? Nope!

If you struggle with feelings of unworthiness, don’t worry, you are not alone. I have been there. Sometimes it’s hard to believe what God says about you when your own thoughts of unworthiness bombard you on a daily basis. I used to struggle with accepting God’s truth about me. Truths like, “you are loved” and “I delight in you.” I wrestled with those truths because while growing up, most of the time all I heard was, “nobody likes you” and “you don’t matter.” 

Past experiences affect your beliefs about yourself, and if those past experiences aren’t properly dealt with, then you will forever go on believing those lies. You and I know how the enemy does his thing already! He capitalises on those feelings of unworthiness, and it’s almost like he uses them to beat God’s people in their heads.

Now, let’s dive into some truth, shall we?

Girl, feelings of worthlessness are from Satan himself. It burns me up that the enemy has such a strong grip on God’s daughters in this area. We need to associate the word worthless with the word lie. That’s exactly what it is, a big, fat lie!

God sees who you are; He knows your value and He validates you.  No matter what you go through in life, no matter how many disappointments you suffer, your value in God’s eyes always remains the same. You are adopted and grafted into a family of royalty; seriously, that is in the Bible. You are a co-heir with the King. You are worthy because He deems you worthy. You are valuable because of who your Father is, no matter what people say about you. Now, who will you believe?


  1. Get your journal and draw a straight line in the middle of the page. On the right side, write down every thought/feeling of unworthiness, and then on the left write down what God’s word says about that lie. This is all about combating the lies with God’s truth. Pray those truths that you have discovered over yourself, and use them as affirmations daily.
  2. Ask God to tell you one awesome thing about yourself. Write that down and affirm yourself with it until you believe it.

P.s: You are dope! Go forth and put our King on display!

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