I'm here to tell you that your path will not be easy. It will be lonely and the enemy will do everything in his power to demotivate, discourage and distract you. His main mission is to have you doubt God's place in your life. Continue to seek Him, spend time in God's presence, pray and read the word. This is where you gain strength to continue on.
Day: 25 February 2022
A Guide to Easy Jamaican Peppered Shrimp
Pepper Shrimp Peppered Shrimp is one of those Jamaican delicacies that pack a punch. If you are a lover of prawn, spice and intense flavour profiles, then you should try this peppered shrimp recipe. RECIPE - Peppered ShrimpReady in 30 MinutesServes 2 Ingredients 2 lbs Head-on Shrimp2 Tbsp Red Crushed Chili3 cloves of GarlicĀ¼ Cup… Continue reading A Guide to Easy Jamaican Peppered Shrimp