
A Father’s Love: Day 1

“Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close.”

Psalm 27:10

When your mother or father forsake you: That is, when they either die, or are at a distance from you, or are unable to help you in the time of need. Or are unkind to you, or unmindful of you, and will not help you. When you are as helpless as every poor orphan was that was left fatherless and motherless. When you have to face this world alone, God will hold you close. 

There are many in this world who are without their mother or father’s love, many who feel abandoned from childhood, and they are still carrying that pain around. Whatever your case is, I know it must be hard and heartbreaking for you. It’s hard, but there’s good news: you aren’t without your heavenly Father’s love. 

Even when your father and mother abandon you, the Lord will hold you close—like His very own, because you are His. Right now, your heart may be longing for that motherly or fatherly bond. Right now, your heart may be hurting because there’s a void that you wish wasn’t there. Beloved, God understands, and His love and care can go beyond even the closest human bonds. His love and care can reach you in ways no one else can.

From a parent, we want acceptance, to be heard, guidance, and protection—God can fulfil each of these for all, including someone who never received these from a parent. Your heavenly Father’s arms are waiting for you. He’s waiting for you to lean in—to allow Him to fill that void, and heal that hurt that you’ve been carrying for so long. He wants you to lean in and experience His love and care. 

No one on earth can love you as God can; not your mother, father, or anyone else that’s close to you. God is love, and He loves perfectly. His love knows no boundary. He does not give His love in pieces. His love isn’t conditional or broken. His love does not leave or forsake. His love is faithful, true and pure. Our heavenly Father’s love can heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free. 

If you are experiencing neglect, abandonment, hurt and heartbreak; if you feel like one who is bound, the Father’s love is available to you—lean in. God longs to gather you into His arms and bosom and under the wings of His protection. Lean in, beloved, and experience His pure and perfect love for you.

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