
A Father’s Love: Day 4

“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him” (1 John 3:1).

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Having just mentioned being born of Him, John speaks in amazement about this manner of love that makes us children of God. He wants us to behold it – that is, look at it and meditate on it.

The love of God bestowed on us speaks many things. First, it speaks of the measure of God’s love to us; it could more literally be translated lavished on us. Behold means that God wants to see this love and He is not ashamed to show it to us. Not only did it cost him his Son to save us from sin and death and hell, but he went way beyond the love of rescue and the love of sacrifice. He loved us so much that through His Son He rescued us, sacrificed for us, forgave us; and He went even further by taking us into his family. He made us to be called children of God.  

But why do we so easily doubt this love, and so easily take it for granted? What is it that makes us slow to believe the love of God? Sometimes it is pride, which demands to prove itself worthy of the love of God before we receive it. Sometimes it is unbelief; we don’t trust the love of God when we see the hurt and pain of life. And sometimes it just takes time for us to come into a deeper understanding of the depth of God’s love.

Where are you on the spectrum? Is it unbelief for you? Are you hurt? Do you need to come into a fuller understanding of God’s love for you? Take some time to think about it, and work through it with the Lord. 

In an article, John Piper stated, “God’s love is not a  love that merely takes care of the paperwork and adopts. That would be amazing beyond words—to be adopted into God’s family. God does not adopt. He moves in, by his Spirit, his seed,  and imparts something of himself to us, so that we take on a family resemblance.” God wants to give you a greater revelation of His love for you, so really sit before Him with an open heart. 

My prayer for you is that the Spirit of Revelation would reveal this great love that the Father has for you;  and as He reveals it, I pray that the Love of God would break down every wall in your heart.

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