
God is in control | All will be well

All will be well because God is still God and He is still in control. This is our grounding promise in the midst of this chaotic, painful world. Somehow, despite our current experiences, all will be well,  and every kind of thing will be well!

There is growing awareness that our current public health crisis will continue, in waves, for God knows how long. Educational institutions struggle to prepare for the looming unknown. The economic situation is staggering. The government is a whole mess. The church at times seems paralyzed & divided. And the numerous murders that continue to flood the news every single day are forcing yet another reckoning with the corruption & violence that plagues this country!

And me? I am both comforted and disturbed. I am grateful to have a place that I can call home, a stable income, a natural inclination toward solitude, a steady sense of hope. In my community, I see acts of bravery, generosity and love regularly. And yet concern, grief and helplessness knock on my door every single day. Living through current events in the midst of this virus that takes our breath away, I find it hard to catch my own breath. In general, things do not feel well! But all is not lost!

Psalm 72 brings so much hope and comfort to my heart, and I hope it does the same for you. Psalm 72 tells us that our great King will come again and He will bring justice to the poor.  The king and his government will make sure that justice is administered fairly. He will save the children of the needy. The king and his government will rescue those most vulnerable in society. King Jesus will come again, and He will break in pieces the oppressor. Our king and his government will protect us. He will keep his righteous ones from external domination and internal corruption.

He will come again, and he will make everything better! My hope is in the King that is to come. Place your hope in the King that is to come. When He comes He will make all the wrong things right! 

Scripture for meditation: Psalm 72

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