"Let all you do be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14 Be motivated by love! Complications will inevitably arise but when love is present in all areas of your life blessings overflow. To achieve that we must stay close to God because God is love and he teaches us what love looks like even in… Continue reading Let All You Do Be Done In Love
Author: Angelisa Plummer
Knowing Who You Are & Whose You Are
Knowing who you are and whose you change everything. When you know who you are and who you belong to, you operate differently. How you pray changes. The way you approach God changes. Most important, you don't fall every time the enemy throws his darts you. True story: This happened yesterday. While I was on… Continue reading Knowing Who You Are & Whose You Are
Remain Watchful & Alert
"Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13 (NASB) 1 Corinthians 16:13 is Paul's closing words to the Corinthians. They are designed to encourage Christians to watch, to be on the alert, to stand firm in the faith; to act like men and to be strong.… Continue reading Remain Watchful & Alert
Forewarned To Prepare
Focus scripture: John 16:1-15 In John chapter 16, Jesus warns His disciples of coming opposition. Why does God bother to forewarn us? Why does He bother to put us on our guard? We are forewarned so that we can be aware, watchful, be in prayer, and apply all that we have learned in the previous… Continue reading Forewarned To Prepare
Only The Fruitful Are Pruned
Do not despise your season of pruning. You are being pruned because you are already fruitful. Focus scriptures: 1 Peter 1:6-9, John 15:1-8 & James 1:3 A wise vinedresser doesn’t let his fruit grow wildly on its own. In order for you to produce good fruit, he must follow the established rules of pruning by… Continue reading Only The Fruitful Are Pruned