I’m a New Creation is one of my favourite gospel songs in the music industry. See the lyrics below and the youtube link for you to listen to it. I'm a new creation, I'm a brand new man. Old things are passed away, I am born again. More than a conqueror, that's who I am.… Continue reading You’re a New Creation
Author: Angelisa Plummer
You Are Who God Says You Are
True Story: Right before Jesus was driven into the wilderness to be tested by Satan, something very dramatic happened. At his baptism, the sky opened up, and the voice of His Father said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17). God, the Father publicly affirms His Son’s… Continue reading You Are Who God Says You Are
God’s Masterpiece
For I am God’s masterpiece. He has created me anew in Christ Jesus, so I can do the good things he planned for me long ago. I find that personalizing the scripture makes it much more enjoyable and meaningful, especially when you want to use the word of God as an affirmation. Above, I have… Continue reading God’s Masterpiece
Take Heart – I have Overcome the World
Have you ever had a time in your life when you experienced so much pain that perhaps you didn’t know if or how you would survive? Well, I have. I’ve gone through times when it literally hurt to draw a breath. Times when I couldn’t pray for God to help me make it through the… Continue reading Take Heart – I have Overcome the World
God, The Father: Day 5
Many are struggling with the orphan spirit, and God wants to free you. He desires for you to experience life in Him. If you are struggling with the orphan spirit, know that you can receive healing from this thing that has controlled your life for so long. The first step to healing is admitting that… Continue reading God, The Father: Day 5