The peace of God that surpasses all understanding could be yours. It is not a promise that is far off. This promise is within your reach. This peace that I am talking about... the calm, harmonious absence of conflict is something this world has never known, and will never know until the Holy Spirit cultivates… Continue reading Fruit of the Spirit: Peace
Author: Angelisa Plummer
Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness
Would you say that you are a kind person? I’m not talking about when you use kind words. Would you say that you are generous, considerate, and gracious? Do you show concern for others? Do you help others without waiting for them to return the favour? Kindness is more than just using kind words. Kindness… Continue reading Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness
Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness
Do you know the song “God is a good God”? The first part of the song goes something like this: God is a good God,Yes he is!God is a good God,Yes he is! God is indeed a good God. Yes, He is! No one is good except God alone… and apart from Him, we have… Continue reading Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness
Fruit of the Spirit: Joy
Many times we equate joy to be the same as happiness. Happiness depends on what is "happening" at the moment. Unlike happiness, joy is something you and I could get to experience all the time if you allow the Holy Spirit to produce it in you. Joy is a good feeling in the soul that… Continue reading Fruit of the Spirit: Joy
Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control
What is self control and why is it so important? Self-control has been defined as the ability to control one’s emotions and behaviour in the face of temptations and impulses. The very concept of “self-control” implies a battle between a divided self. It implies that our “self” produces desires we should not satisfy but instead… Continue reading Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control