Meditation: Psalm 19:1-6 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words… Continue reading Meditating on the God of all creation
Author: Angelisa Plummer
Great is the faithfulness of God
Lamentations 3:21-25 "But this I recall and therefore have I hope and expectation: It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed because His [tender] compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness. The Lord is my portion or share, says my… Continue reading Great is the faithfulness of God
Being ok with the mundane
I'm not sure about you, but I can say that this year started out as my least favourite year. Covid happened; life slowed down, people started losing their jobs - and on top of all of that, we had to endure being quarantined at home for very long hours. Things started to get boring and… Continue reading Being ok with the mundane
Your heart is dear to the Father’s heart
Your heart will always be dear to the Father's heart. You don't have to worry about what you feel you lack or envy others for what they have. The Father, who is a giver of good gifts, will not withhold anything that's good from you. In Christ, you have everything that's good, and in time,… Continue reading Your heart is dear to the Father’s heart
How to rest your heart soul & mind in the truth of God
Rest your heart, soul and mind; God isn't the same as a man. Sometimes we expect Him to treat us the same way people treat us, but that's not God at all. Many times when we approach God, we approach Him with the thought that He will judge and condemn us as the world does.… Continue reading How to rest your heart soul & mind in the truth of God