Stop looking in the rearview mirror and look forward in faith. In this season of life, many are waiting for things to go back to normal. Many are reminiscing on the days when they could mix and mingle, hang out late with friends, party all night long, hang out at the corner shop or even… Continue reading How to trust God and stop looking in your rearview mirror
Author: Angelisa Plummer
Wholeness of the mind, will & emotions
The word 'whole' is defined as containing all components or complete. Not divided or disjoined. Not wounded, injured or impaired. Sound or unhurt. Used as an adjective, the word whole comes from the Greek words of holos and holokleros meaning all, entire and complete. These two words come from the noun holokleria meaning completeness. Biblically defined,… Continue reading Wholeness of the mind, will & emotions
A Mind That’s Stayed on Christ
The mind is such an interesting thing… Do you realise that when you are not doing well mentally it's hard for you to function properly in life? Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and act. This is one type of “mind/body connection.” When you are stressed, anxious, or angry, your body reacts… Continue reading A Mind That’s Stayed on Christ
Think on these things…
What if your mind was like a machine that automatically prints all the thoughts that pass through your mind at the end of each week? Let’s say that happened for this past week. What was your printout like? What things did you think about? These are very important questions because in order to experience God’s… Continue reading Think on these things…
Emotions, are they a bad thing?
It is said that women are more emotional than men. Now, I don't know how true that is, and this devotional is not written to debate or discuss the truth of it —but rather to bring to light how living by our emotions, whether we are male or female, can oftentimes be very dangerous. Emotions,… Continue reading Emotions, are they a bad thing?