

How to Give Thanks in Every Circumstance

The message emphasizes the importance of gratitude despite life's challenges, as outlined in 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It encourages practicing thankfulness as a deliberate choice and as part of God's will, even in tough circumstances. It suggests making a gratitude list and reflecting on God’s goodness, using Jesus’ example of thankfulness amidst suffering to inspire us. The text also advises asking for God's help to overcome internal conflicts and maintain a grateful spirit, highlighting gratitude’s transformative power in aligning with divine will and experiencing true joy.

Transparency Series

Here’s how to tell if you are marrying the right one

The Anointed Writer has introduced a new community space for sharing confessions, testimonies, and prayer requests. This initiative aims to harness collective wisdom and encourage active participation. A recent post discussed balancing Christian life goals with sustaining quality in the journey, referencing scriptures like Psalms 37:4-5 and advocating for a deep relationship with God as foundational in all life aspects, including marriage and community involvement. Readers are encouraged to share their experiences and feedback.


What Happens When the Clock Strikes Twelve

Believing that God's mercy has an expiration time is a misconception. The truth, as revealed in scripture, is that God's mercy endures infinitely, always offering a pathway back to Him, regardless of our sins or shortcomings. This enduring mercy is not limited by human understandings or conditions. Instead, it is an ever-present invitation to seek forgiveness and find refuge in God's unending kindness and patience, which is always ready to embrace us, no matter the circumstances.


As Believers We Suffer Because it is Good

In a world where many question God's presence during suffering, this post emphasizes that suffering is integral to a Christian's life, serving to refine and prepare us for God's kingdom. Despite the pain and challenges, Christians are encouraged to rejoice in suffering because it cultivates endurance, character, and ultimately hope, knowing that it is purposeful and transformative. The message is clear: Trust in God's plan, as it works for the greater good of those who love Him.

Mental Health

5 Mental Health Myths and the Truth Behind Them

This article addresses the stigma and misconceptions surrounding mental health, debunking myths such as therapy being only for the 'insane,' the fallacy that mental illness equates to violence, and the notion that it's contagious. It challenges the stereotypes perpetuated by media and societal beliefs and emphasizes that mental health issues do not reflect one's faith, as in the case of Christians. The piece advocates awareness and the benefits of talk therapy for both prevention and management of mental illnesses.