I realised that my mind and heart would always condemn me whenever I wanted to be brutally honest with God. I felt condemned whenever I wanted to scream and let God know that I didn't necessarily agree with Him on certain things. Until one day God said to me, "I am not afraid of or… Continue reading No condemnation when being honest with God
The Great High Priest Understands
Hebrews 4:15, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are…" Does God really understand? He tells us in His word not to worry; to take heart, and to have good courage—but does… Continue reading The Great High Priest Understands
Be silent in the presence of the Lord
Sometimes to hear God, we have to get really quiet. We have to settle down outside and inside too. Oftentimes our insides are too noisy and our surroundings are too distracting. We cry out, "God, I can't hear you." When God is saying, "My child, settle down." We can hear the small still voice we… Continue reading Be silent in the presence of the Lord
Walking by faith during times of God’s silence
You will not always see or feel it, but it's taking place. "What's taking place?" you may ask. The work that God is doing. You may not always see it or feel it, but God is on the move. By His Spirit, He is alive and active. Walking with Him will not always mean an… Continue reading Walking by faith during times of God’s silence
Don’t get caught in the comparison trap
Be reminded this morning to run with perseverance the race marked out for you – Hebrews 12:1. As you journey through this life, remember to keep your eyes on God; on the path He has set before you, and on what He is actually doing in and through you. Don't get distracted by what everyone… Continue reading Don’t get caught in the comparison trap