View clothes purchases as an investment into your future. Budget enough money to buy several really good outfits a year. When you feel good in clothes you act more confidently.
The Best Creamy Callaloo Dip for Friday Nights
This easy and delicious recipe is always a hit. Whether it is used as a dinner snack or the centrepiece for a party, it will always be a winner. Try it tonight or any other day and tell us what you think!
The Ultimate List of Deal Breakers from Christian Wives
In a marriage now where I've experienced a lot of things, I can never say never. I've experienced heartbreaking things but I'm still here. I've never been cheated on knowingly but I've experienced serious emotional abuse and it has brought me to great pain where I was about to end the marriage. Don't know why God still has me here, so I don't know what it'll take to call it quits.
The Ultimate Budget-Friendly Nutty Banana Bread
This budget-friendly recipe will definitely have you gobbling down banana bread every week and the best part is, you may already have most if not all the ingredients in your pantry.
How to personalise God’s love for you
Do you understand how much God values you? Do you understand how much God desires to bless you with good and perfect gifts? Beloved, be concerned with the right things; the ultimate issues of life – and then leave the management (and the worry) over material things with your heavenly Father.