Do you know who or what defines your worth? Not anyone or anything of this world but God! Periodt! A few months ago before this Coronavirus pandemic, I went shopping and got a beautiful red dress for a fair price. Two weeks after I got the dress, I went to the same store and saw… Continue reading Beautiful Worth
Category: Devotional
A week daily practical and scriptural resource tool to help guide you along your faith journey and grow stronger in your Christianity.
Hey There, Beautiful!
Today’s verse: 1 Peter 3:3-4 The number of people in our society who place an exorbitant focus on outward appearance is overwhelming. Wherever you go there are messages about what it is like to be the “beautiful woman.” If you aren’t wearing the latest clothes, have a huge butt, flawless skin, long hair, eyebrows on… Continue reading Hey There, Beautiful!
God uses the flawed
Today's verse: 2 Corinthians 12:9 I know you can all admit that you have some ugly parts of you that you would rather hide from the world. No matter how much of a well-rounded person you think you are, you should admit to the fact that nobody is perfect. There is a particular part of… Continue reading God uses the flawed
Beauty For Ashes
Beauty for ashes is what God promises to give to us. (Isaiah 61: 3) Darkness isn’t always scary! God will oftentimes allow darkness to bring us good, to draw us deeper into Him. And when we are in that space, we don’t have to be so quick to rush off to find the light switch,… Continue reading Beauty For Ashes
Trusting God: Day 5
We have to learn to trust God when we are faced with hardship. He knows how our story will play out. When God says to trust Him, He never disappoints! Trust that He has a plan and that He's working behind the scenes because He's always working. Trials strengthen our faith in God. So no… Continue reading Trusting God: Day 5