
Purity Series Day 3: Change Your Thoughts

Your thoughts matter so much!  The saying, the thought counts, rings true because what you think determines what you become.  Unfortunately, most tend to be held captive by toxic thoughts rather than focusing on God's truth. “As a man thinks, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7a The truth is that each person's thinking and core… Continue reading Purity Series Day 3: Change Your Thoughts


Overcome Oppression: Prayer for the Oppressed

If you are feeling low in spirit, depressed, weary, mentally unstable or feeling distant from God, then you may be spiritually oppressed. This prayer is for you. Consecrate yourself, pray this prayer and prepare to walk in your deliverance. Open Confession -> Prayer -> Obedience -> VictoryThe Formula for Deliverance Father in the name of… Continue reading Overcome Oppression: Prayer for the Oppressed