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The closer your relationship with God the better

How close is too close? Is it possible to get too close to God? I’ve been conversing with various individuals over the course of the week. Among the lot, the common theme in conversation is the fear of getting too close to God. Hearing that may sound strange for someone who is invested in their relationship with the Father. However, there is a sad reality that many Christians allow shame and guilt to rip them out of close proximity with the creator.

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Romans 8:1 KJV

If you have allowed shame or guilt to pull you away from that intimate place with God, please read and meditate on Romans 8:1. It doesn’t matter how big your sin is or how many times you fall into sin, God’s arms are forever open to you.

There is a common misconception that we have to be fixed before God can see us and that completely contradicts the character of God. God’s grace is sufficient for you, for his power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Here are three tips you can implement to help you to draw closer to God:

  1. Pray – Repent of your sin and talk to God. Shame has a way of convincing us that God doesn’t want to hear from us so we pull our conversation away. God is near to the brokenhearted. Psalm 34:18-20 tells us how much God never leaves us even when we are broken. Try talking to Him again.
  2. Forgive yourself – Many times we hold on the mistakes. In fact, we hold on to them longer than God. He doesn’t even hold on to them. Let go and forgive yourself so that your heart can be free to embrace the Father’s love again.
  3. Commit – Don’t slack off. Make it a lifestyle priority to meet with God and press into His presence. Eliminate the distractions preventing you from connecting with the Father. Learn how to incorporate God into your every move. Welcome Him to always be with you and act accordingly. God will enter in and dwell when He is invited and entertained. Do your part to keep Him near.
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