
Do Not Be Discouraged

Do not be discouraged

Those who leave everything in God’s hand will eventually see God’s hand in everything… (2 Chronicles 20:15) “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (Psalms 18:30) “As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.”

Allow those scriptures to wash over your heart. Speak them over yourself, and as you do that, allow the word of God to refresh and restore you. Beloved, God says do not worry for He is with you wherever you Go. Choose to be strong even when you are weak. Look to God!  If you gaze at yourself and your problems, your courage will melt away. The choice to be bold rests on your confidence that God is with you. Your confidence is in God, so keep your gaze fixed on Him. 

Remember that nothing catches God by surprise. He is not limited by the way things are. Remember that He is infinitely strong and mighty, and when He is on your side, who can stand against you? Do not let the feeling of discouragement prey upon you, because with God you are already victorious. Discouragement is like a vicious cycle… it feeds upon itself and never ever fixes the situation. But may the Lord of heaven reach down and pull you from the place of discouragement.

We have good reasons to be discouraged in this season, but God says, “Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee…” (Joshua 1:9). Though you have legitimate reasons to be discouraged and maybe even terrified, do not allow yourself to be defeated. Instead, take hold of courage, strengthen yourself in the Lord. He is with you, and through Him you can do all things.

Beloved, discouragement is not to be tolerated or wallowed in; fight it with the word of God! Do not allow discouragement to choke you. It can keep you from doing what you need to do because you don’t want to face it. And it can even be contagious, weakening others’ faith.  Stand on the promises of God, and do not let the thing that is in front of you disturb your peace. 

My Prayer for you:

As you read, be delivered from discouragement. May your faith be refuelled and let courage arise in your heart. May God’s perfect love cast out every fear from your heart. May you be strong and bold enough to get up and do what the Lord has called you to do. May your eyes be opened to see God and His army that surrounds you. Discouragement shall no longer cripple you. You are free from its stronghold. Amen! 

1 thought on “Do Not Be Discouraged”

  1. Amen! May our Lords strength, faithfulness, grace, and love sustain you as you seek to encourage those who maybe growing weary!

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