
Forewarned To Prepare

Focus scripture: John 16:1-15

In John chapter 16, Jesus warns His disciples of coming opposition. Why does God bother to forewarn us? Why does He bother to put us on our guard? We are forewarned so that we can be aware, watchful, be in prayer, and apply all that we have learned in the previous season.

Seasons of hardship; attacks, and persecution will come because you belong to Christ.  The Lord will have us know when these times will come, just as He did for His disciples, but we must remain in fellowship with Him. Beloved, in this season, stay in fellowship with the Lord. Read your bible, pray, and learn to hear and discern His voice. Do not turn a deaf ear to him. When He says move, move in obedience! This season is already hard, I know! But I must say that trouble is going to come. The good thing though, is that Lord forewarns us of these things because He does not want us to be surprised by them. You are forewarned so you can prepare well.

Jesus’ notice of trouble is designed to cause us to not be surprised. Of all the adversaries of our peace, in this world of troubles, none insult us more violently,  than disappointment does.  But, when we expect a guest we can easily welcome them. The Lord does not want us to be offended at the cross or at Him. He does not want us to turn back from His ways and into our old way of living. He wants us to be on our guard; standing firm in our faith; all while being courageous and strong ( 1Cor. 16:13).

When Jesus was about to leave His disciples, He promised that He would send the Helper, and He did. The Helper, which is the Holy Spirit, is alive in us.  He will comfort you in your times of trouble; guide you and lead you into all truth. He will reveal the heart of the Lord to you. You won’t walk or fight blindly. So don’t you worry or let fear overcome you. To experience the comfort the eleven disciples received from being in Jesus’s presence, and the joy and peace they received from Jesus’s words, you need only read the Bible.  Your joy will be full, your peace secured, and your faith kept through the words of Christ in the Bible. 

Jesus’s instructions and promises sustained His disciples through every trial, and his words are powerful to sustain you through every pain and suffering. By the Spirit, Jesus gives you joy and peace-filled promises like this: “For those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called [in Christ] according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Everything will work out for your good! That’s God’s promise to you, and it shall be so!


  1. How can you ensure that you remain in intimacy with the Lord in this season?

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