
God Enjoys You & Delights in You

The Lord takes delight in His people, Psalm 149:4 tells us. For most of my life, I thought I believed it—without actually believing it.

Did you know that God enjoys your presence? If you didn’t know, let me be the first to tell you that He does. Actually, He delights in you! I realize that among all my struggles and trials, He wants more from me than to just fix me.  He also wants to be with me because He loves me and loves my company.  He loves to bring me pleasure and to make Himself known to me.  He loves it when I think of Him and invites Him to be present in my mundane, day to day activities.

Sometimes we start thinking that being a Christian is all about buckling down and doing our duty as if it’s about following a long list of don’ts. Fortunately, Jesus thinks differently. It’s really only about one main thing — love and intimacy with Him. God delights in you and wants you to delight in Him too. He wants you to enjoy Him as much as He enjoys you. 

Think of a person whose company you enjoy — someone who brings a big smile to your face when you know they’re coming over. There’s a list of things you want to share and you really want to know what they think too. Being with this person is going to be the highlight of your week. That’s how God feels about you! When you show up to talk to Him through prayer and learn about him through the word, He smiles. He has so much to share with you — things that “…no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” 1 Corinthians 2:9. God wants to show you the things He has prepared for you. So what are you waiting for? Go spend time with Him! 

Friend, being a Christian is all about having a close, intimate relationship with the most fantastic person in the Universe —God. He wants you to come to understand him more and more. He wants you to know how he thinks, his likes and dislikes. He wants to understand you more and more: how you think, what you love, and what you don’t like. It’s not that He does not know everything about you already but it’s about growing in a relationship together.  

I believe that if you begin to declare, “God enjoys me” daily, it will free the heart to seek the Lord more consistently and passionately. Declaring that He enjoys you will free the heart to want to spend time with Him. The more time you spend with him, the more he begins to rub off on you. His love starts to grow in you day by day.  It begins to affect your relationships and shift your priorities. You learn how to be a friend like he is, putting the needs of others first and forgiving people who don’t even ask for it, even when it hurts. So, if you want to be like God, spend time with Him. I guarantee you that you would leave His presence a different person! No one ever encounters the God of the universe and remain the same.

How would you describe your relationship with God? That’s really where it all starts.

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