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God Is Doing A New Thing

“Do not remember the past events; pay no attention to things of old.  Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.  Wild animals — jackals and ostriches — will honour me, because I provide water in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people. Isaiah 43:18-20

Reflection: I have three words for you today: forget, focus & forward. God is doing a new thing in this season, and He wants to ensure that we don’t miss a thing. 

Forget: “Forget the things of the past, neither consider the things of old.” The things of the past come back to haunt us all the time, but we don’t have to cling to them. If you should have to go back to the past for any reason whatsoever, don’t dwell there permanently. Remember, learn, heal, fix what you need to and then let go. Don’t hang on to the past and don’t keep reliving it. God is saying that it’s time to let the past go so you can focus on what He is doing in you, in your country, in your church and in the world. 

Focus: “Focus on me!” That is what the Lord is saying. Take your eyes off your circumstances and focus on me. “I am doing a new thing, can’t you perceive it?” The Lord says that in this present moment He is renewing you. Look away from yourself; the pain of your past and the things that are crippling you. He says He knows that things you think upon are real, but you will miss what He is doing if you don’t focus on Him. Focus so you can move forward.

Forward: March forward into the future, because your God is making a way in the wilderness for you. The future will lead down some very difficult paths, but God will provide streams in the desert for you. Don’t be afraid to move forward with God. The very place you are experiencing pain now is the place He will meet you. When you have no money, He’ll provide. Where you have no food, He’ll provide. God will make a way for you.

God is doing a new thing. Forget the things of old, focus on God, and move forward into the future with Him.

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