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God searches the heart and tests the mind

frozen wave against sunlight

Photo by Hernan Pauccara on

We are told by Timothy to “set an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” for those around us. But when I think of how we can set good examples in these ways, I think of things being done outwardly. Those around us don’t necessarily see our hearts, our minds, and our thoughts. All they see is what we put on display. 

Today, let’s talk about what’s happening on the inside. What happens on the inside of us is just as important as what happens on the outside—if not more important. Though those around us can’t necessarily see our hearts, minds and thoughts, God can! The bible tells us that, “The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). 

God does not see as man sees. He knows our thoughts before we think them. Even before we say a word He knows it. Nothing is hidden from God. How foolishly would we be to think that we can hide anything from God? He is the discerner of thoughts and intents of hearts.

We can hide the state of our inner being from people but not from God. As much as we try to set an example for others, we should also ensure that our inner beings are in right standing before the Lord. Are your thoughts pure? How is your heart? Are the intentions of your heart good or evil? 

The Lord tells us in Jeremiah 17:10 that He “searches the heart and tests the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deed.” So let’s not put up a front, but aim to be pleasing in His sight in all our ways. 

Beloved, God doesn’t judge by our outward appearances. He looks straight into the heart of an individual. Nothing is hidden from him for only God knows what truly lies in our heart and the motives that drive all we say and do. Everything we speak, think, and do will attest to what the abundance of our inner being brings forth; and ‘that’ is only according to the will of God.

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