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How Taking Care of Your Mental Health is Important

I have seen the face of mental illness. I have seen and tasted what it is like when people are unable to hear God because their minds are broken. I have experienced not being able to connect with God even when I wanted to. Whatever gets your mind gets you. One of the most important things we need to learn to do is take care of our minds.

Beloved, God wants you to be healthy and the enemy does not. When you are healthy you can better fulfil God’s purpose for your life—we can live more abundant lives all around. In order to be truly healthy, you must take care of all aspects of your wellbeing; mind, body, heart & spirit. Today we want to look at what the bible says about taking care of the mind. 

Many people are having challenges with their mental health. If you don’t believe me, just check the news to see the many reports are there on suicide, depression and so much more. Whether we suffer from a mental illness or not, God wants us to take care of our mental health because a healthy mind leads to a healthy body. Whatever goes on in your mind eventually affects your biological functioning positively or negatively. In other words, our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are!

1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us that our body is the temple of God. Your mind is a part of your body, yeah? How are you taking care of it?

Here are a few questions to help you answer that:

Mental health care is important, so my prayer for you today is that you find the time out of your busy schedule to really assess how you are functioning mentally. 

Beloved, guard your mind! Take good care of it! Don’t allow garbage in! Don’t set your eyes on worthless things! Reach out when you need help, and speak up when things are not ok. God desires for you to live a healthy and whole life. 

Scripture for meditation: 1 Corinthians 6:19, Psalm 101:3

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