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How to Make the Most of The Bad Days

“Don’t be so quick to write 2020 off,” were the words of the Holy Spirit to me while I was reflecting yesterday. He said, “Yes, 2020 was “awful” but go back to your journal for a second. Actually, let me help you remember.” I skipped through the pages of my journal until I got to May 15, 2020.

Excerpt from my May 15, 2020 journal entry: For a month sickness was upon me. Though the words of men brought comfort, the comfort was only temporary, reviving my heart for only a few seconds.  My body failed me and it continues to fail me. But I’ve seen where God made a way in the desert. My soul and heart were tired, dry and thirsty, and He gave me a stream. He gave Himself to me. I tasted living water. My God is living water, and of Him, I tasted.”

Would I have experienced God in that way if 2020 didn’t knock me off my feet? Would I have seen His hand reach down and rescue me from my sickbed if I was up and running? Would I have experienced the goodness of God in the valley if I was high up on the mountain? I don’t think so. 

 2020 was my best year yet spiritually. I experienced God in ways I’ve never experienced Him before. Can you believe that? I’ve born witness to the goodness of God in the most unlikely ways and places. He showed himself to be my all in all. I came to know this truth from the most desperate place—when I had nothing; no other route, no calmer sea, no other choice but surrender. 2020 gave me that gift! I am becoming fluent in the language of hope. My weakness made strong in Christ—that is my glorious weakness. 

So friends, don’t write 2020 and your other bad days off just yet. Do some reflection. What did you learn about God? How did He show up for you? Did you grow? What treasures did you find? Ok, maybe all you experienced was darkness. But what if the darkness and the hidden places are where God’s kingdom growth takes place?

The truth is this: We can’t find the sweet pearls of redemption, joy, peace, hope and a strong faith unless we’ve been cast into the depths—Pearls lie deep.

Meditation scriptures: Psalm 73:26, James 1:2-4

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