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How to rest your heart soul & mind in the truth of God

Rest your heart, soul and mind; God isn’t the same as a man. Sometimes we expect Him to treat us the same way people treat us, but that’s not God at all. Many times when we approach God, we approach Him with the thought that He will judge and condemn us as the world does. Our fears and insecurities tell us that he’ll say, “Yes!! You messed up and I’m very disappointed with you right now. Furthermore, I will not have any conversation with you for the next 10 days.”

The truth is when we think like that it shows how much we don’t know and trust the character of God. It tells us that we still have not gotten the message of grace. Yes, it’s because of our fears and insecurities; but whenever those thoughts come, know that you are very far away from the truth.

The truth is, God does correct those He loves (Romans 3:12), but it’s never done with condemnation. Going to him after being battered by the world; after messing up is like finding shade under a tree after walking in the scorching sun for hours. Another perfect example would be that of the prodigal son and his father (read Luke 15:11-32). Like the Father of the prodigal son, God welcomes us home with open arms and with glee in His eyes.  

Think about the story of Adam and Eve when they sinned. Read the story in Genesis chapter 3.  Did God say, “Hey guys, I am so disappointed in you!  Why would you do this to me?” I am sure God was disappointed, but He did not hammer them in their heads with the fact that they sinned… Yes, He punished them, but he did not meet them with anger. Isn’t God a gracious Father?

Psalm 103:10 tells us that God has never dealt with us according to our sins, nor has he regulated the exercise of his mercy by our merits. He is a God that is full of compassion and grace. He is a God, who is slow to anger. So rest your heart, soul and mind. The Father will never treat you the way the world treats you. That’s the truth!

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