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Intimacy with the Holy Spirit: Day 5

All this talk about intimacy with the Holy Spirit may sound strange to you. I could imagine it not making sense to you, and that’s understandable. At one point in my life, the idea of just simply praying to the Holy Spirit was weird for me. 

What I’ve come to realise is that many Christians are fine with God the Father. They are great with Jesus. But when it comes down to the Holy Spirit they aren’t quite sure what to do. As a result, they think that the Holy Spirit is just for “those Christians.” You know, the Christians who are a little different or unique or even maybe extreme or weird. Do you think that the  Holy Spirit is just for “those Christians”? What are your thoughts on this?

Perhaps you grew up in a church that emphasized the Holy Spirit in an unbalanced and unbiblical way. When that happens, the Holy Spirit can become associated with extremes and abuses.  This should not be a surprise. If there is one thing I have learned over the last four years of full-time ministry, it is this: without the Holy Spirit, we are lost! 

I’ve had many situations where I didn’t know what to do, and the Holy Spirit has been the one to give me insight beyond my own understanding. Because of the Holy Spirit’s insight and guidance, those said situations turned out to be fruitful and beneficial to all involved. I am living proof, and I am sure that many of you also are, that the Holy Spirit is not some weird lofty idea. He is alive, and His ministry still reigns throughout the entire universe. 


Abba, thank you for Your Spirit that is living within us. I ask that you stir up within every single that is reading this devotional, the fullness of Your Holy Spirit. Help each person to grow in their relationship with Him, and to live in His power. ABBA, I pray that as they open up their heart they would experience supernatural encounters with Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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