
Knowing Who You Are & Whose You Are

Knowing who you are and whose you change everything. When you know who you are and who you belong to, you operate differently. How you pray changes. The way you approach God changes. Most important, you don’t fall every time the enemy throws his darts you. 

True story: This happened yesterday.

While I was on my way home I said to God, “Please hold the rain until I get home. I don’t have an umbrella, I have groceries, and you and I know that I get sick very easily. Please hold the rain.” As soon as I said that, the enemy came at me with his lies. At the time I didn’t realise that he was the one actually speaking to me, because he was doing so in my voice. One thing we must know as Christians is that the enemy is very strategic, and we must not take that lightly. His strategies always seem so simple and subtle. At that moment I could have questioned who God says I am and who God says He is. But thank God for the Holy Spirit!

“Why would you ask God to hold the rain, you’re not the only one on the road. Who are you? You’re not special. Furthermore, God favours no one,”

said the enemy.

Sounds simple, right? When you don’t know who you are and whose you are, the enemy uses simple things like these to cripple you. When you don’t know who you are you can’t “manifest” in the way God wants you to; you can’t pray in faith, and move in power. Your manifestation that needs to happen in this season is locked up in identity. Because many don’t know their identity they cannot manifest. What some of us need is a revelation of who we are. We could search the scriptures for truths about our identity and use them as affirmations every morning, but without revelation from the Holy Spirit we will never come into the knowledge of who we are—and that is what the enemy wants.

The earth is groaning for the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God (Roman’s 8:19).  But these same sons and daughters are struggling with their identity. Why does the enemy attack identity so much? What does he know that we don’t know? What is he trying to keep us from knowing? He knows that we need to manifest in order for the glory of the Kingdom of God to be manifested in and through us. Also, creation longs for our manifestation – it longs for the connection, the revelation, and the transformation that happens to it when we are revealed. See the connection now? This attack on our identity is so much bigger than us. 

The enemy did the same thing to Jesus. As Jesus was just launching his earthly ministry, Satan tried to undermine Him by questioning His identity. The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” Luke 4:3 (NIV) What would have happened if Jesus did not stand firm in the truth of who He is? The enemy knows that when we manifest and God’s kingdom is revealed, and His will is done here on earth as in heaven, something shifts in the natural world. When the power of God is revealed in and through us, nature— the very creation of God—can respond, its groaning subdued as it joins in the revealing of God’s Kingdom on earth; on earth as it is in heaven. 

“…On earth, as it is in heaven” Matthew 6:10. What does that mean for the enemy?  It means that his time is running out,  his rule over the earth will come to an end, and Jesus will rule forevermore.

So, children of God, I pray you will come into the revelation of who and whose you are. May the Holy Spirit reveal this truth to you. As you come into the knowledge of who you are, I pray that you will begin to manifest so the glory of God can be seen in and through you. I pray that you will be grounded in your identity in Christ Jesus. Today, trust God when he says who you are. I pray that you will trust that you belong to God. Stand guard against doubt and walk in faith that God knows your identity—you are his!

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