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Meditation: Manifest!

Romans 8:19 says, “Creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” After meditating on that verse, I had to seriously ask myself if we understand what it really means. We quote it very often and so well, but do we understand the weight of this verse?

The scripture says, “Creation waits in eager expectation…” My very first  question is this: why is “creation eagerly waiting?” The whole of creation, right now, is in pain—it’s groaning, why? Because when man sinned that resulted in the earth being cursed, and since then, nature has groaned under its curse, which was a terrible product of man’s original sin. However, we thank God for redemption that started to stream throughout earth’s history. Fallen men found grace in the heart of God through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ; bringing many sons to glory—and we are those sons of the Father, for we have become a new creation in Christ. The whole of creation has been groaning since that day, with labour pains under the weight of sin’s curse. Creation waits in anticipation for when the sons of God, which are the church, to be revealed as the bride. Creation [all the things that God has given us dominion over], is expecting the identity of God’s children to be made manifest according to the riches and weight of glory that is entrusted to us. There is a constant call from creation for the kingdom of God to manifest and be revealed in our lives. When that happens, creation will then be freed from the curse of our sin. 

My second question is this: With knowledge of why creation is groaning with eager anticipation for the sons of God to be manifested, as children of God,  how do we position ourselves? How do we position ourselves for the kingdom of God and its glory to be manifested in us?  Positioning ourselves starts with beholding Christ. By beholding we become changed people.  The best way to change ourselves is to forget self and be occupied with Christ. When we read the Bible we see His beauty, His majesty, His compassion and grace; as we keep beholding and meditating on His glory, the Holy Spirit inside us goes to work in us. He will transform us into the very same image of Christ. We will be changed from glory to glory, experiencing true and lasting inward transformation. As we behold Christ we become changed people, and as we are changed, we are then able to walk in our true identity—sons of God, who are called to manifest the glory of the Lord in the earth. When we know our identity, we are then able to walk it out confidently. 

Imagine you, a son of God walking out your identity, whether as a prophet, prophetic writer, apostle, pastor, evangelist; imagine you doing so confidently… all I see is the glory of God filling the entire earth! Can you see it? Can you see the glory of God filling the earth? Can you see God coming quickly?

Friends, creations groan for you to be made manifest! Come out of your hiding place! Come out of whatever bondage you may be in! Come out and let the kingdom, and the glory of God be made manifest in you!  Come out of the world, set yourself to behold the Lord, and be made new. It is time, so I pray that those of you who may be having identity issues will know who are and whose you are. My prayer is that as you set yourself to behold God he would write your identity on your forehead for all to see. Come and be manifested Child God!

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